Getting Involved

We have a number of committees in need of assistance.  For example: Candidates, Communications, Events, Legislative Action, Military Support, Outreach.  If a committee catches your eye or you wish to share your talent, please contact us at

If you are a concerned citizen with an interest in local issues, we would enjoy having you as an informer. We are looking for volunteers to help us keep an eye on our city councilors, county commissioners, education boards (e.g. attending city/county/school meetings, reviewing meeting agendas, tracking threats of new tax increases, etc). This is YOUR government. The average, ordinary citizen can make a difference. Let us know if you wish to help. It can be as easy as watching BKAT on TV an hour or two a month and letting us know if something important is arising.

The conservative movement has some catching up to do in the realm of social media. Take a step toward claiming this medium for the benefit of conservatism by joining the Kitsap Patriots Discussion Group, Kitsap Patriots Facebook Page, Kitsap Patriots Twitter, and Kitsap Patriots YouTube. Also, you info may be found at the KPTP Group on the national TEA Party Patriots website. If you need assistance creating an account or need a brief tutorial, contact us and we will provide support where we can.

Keep an eye on the radical leftist/Statist networks by analyzing how they’re all connected, managed, and funded. Let us know if you find something fishy in Kitsap County. Thanks to Peggy Hutt of the Tacoma Narrows TEA Party for discovering this excellent site: Discover the Networks.

Take five minutes to read, take five copies, then take five minutes handing them to five friends. “Take Five” works! This is a great way to get messages out, and it has increased attendance at our meetings.  Pick them up at our monthly meetings.

Become a more effective advocate for liberty by participating in the following training opportunities:
Tennessee Center for Self Governance
TEA Party Patriots Rapid Response
Hillsdale College Online Courses

2 Responses to Getting Involved

  1. C. Smith says:

    Hi–I have been attending your meetings regularly and have been inspired to get involved by contacting you on behalf of my neighbors whose property rights in my opinion are being infringed on. I was privy to the following details after attending their meeting last night. It is an incredible, unbelievable story of what seems to me like pre positioning for land grabbing–best told by them who I invited to our next Tea Party meeting. In fact, several said they would show up. I invited them to tell their story. I hope if they do show up, you can set some time aside for them to tell their story–I think it will take more than 2 minutes. It involves the West Sound Utility District, Phillips Road in Port Orchard and 2 to 4 people who have large acreage that fronts the road and who are in the process of developing the acreage. They plan to build 90+ homes. The area has been zoned for 5 homes per acre. You may have read about this in the Kitsap Sun last week.
    Evidently, the utility district working with the developers have involved and sent assessment notices to at least 40 of my neighbors notifying them that sewer and water lines will be laid by their property in the process of this development, and they will be taxed according to the acreage they own and the number of houses that their acreage can support regardless of the number of homes that are currently on that acreage. This means that if they own five acres and they only have one house on it, they will be assessed a sewer and water tax for 25 houses in addition to paying their usual property owners tax. Furthermore, the tax will last for 20 years and they will be required to pay hook up fees for all potential hook-ups that their property is zoned for, i.e. upfront payment. This means if someone had only one house on 5 acres, that person would have to pay upfront sewer and water hookup costs for 25 houses regardless, the argument being that the property value will increase with water and sewer availability.
    The article in the paper was misleading as I discovered last night when I attended a meeting with my neighbors. There are 40 neighbors( property owners) within the current ULID boundaries. Only three want this to go through, but ULID is behaving as if most of the neighbors favor their proposal. ULID is wrong and the property owners are strongly opposed to any measure that would impose taxes like this. A number of owners are retired. Everyone who opposes has a healthy septic and well in place and no plans for developing their property. If they have more property than they need it is for peaceful existence. Many will lose their homes if this keeps up. A retired neighbor who bought her acreage ( I think she said she had 5 acres) as a place to retire to told me her yearly assessment would total $10,000 a year and thousands over that to hook up and she could not afford that.
    The property owners are trying to organize and have hired an attorney. The attorney has advised the owners, my neighbors, to find as many people as possible to support them by attending the next meeting of the West Sound Utility District because this issue will be on the agenda.
    The meeting is on March 16 at 3:00 p.m.
    Address: 2924 Southeast Lund Ave.
    Port Orchard, Wa. 98368
    Directions: Log onto West Sound Utility District website
    on their home page to the left click on “location” for a map and place to receive
    mapquest like directions from your location.

    Since, there won’t be another Tea Party meeting until after this meeting I have been unable to tell our members about it. I do not know any other way to get the message out. I do not use facebook–and I am not even sure that would help. So I decided to contact you as well as referring my articulate neighbor to the Kitsap County Alliance of Property Owners. I am imploring you to please notify as many members as you can about the issue and the meeting and encourage them to show up at this meeting on March 16th if their schedule allows. Please also use your connections if you think this issue is worth pursuing on your part. All this is new to me. These people need help and with a possibility of boundary creep more people will be affected including me.
    I welcome your suggestions.

  2. Chuck DeCosta says:

    How do I donate money to KPTP? I see no donation button. Where is the Olympic Conference donation button?

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